I Love my Dog

To start this page I will introduce you to my best friend

My Tater Marie

This is Tater Marie she is a four year old mini dapple dachshund

She was rescued from an abusive home by a rescue group in Kansas

I adopted her when she was eight months old

When I got her she had already had her nose and tail broken

When we got to the hotel after adopting her we tried to get her to play

She didn’t seem to know how BUT…

She is a wiener and they love the chase, it is in their DNA

So my mate Jerrah started running up and down the hotel room and low and behold she started chasing after

It took us a few months to get her to actually play with toys

She is now a full of life normal puppy, well…

As normal as it gets for wiener dogs

She sleeps 20 hours a day and defuzzes anything she can however it is worth it

She curls up in my lap when I am working and licks my face when I am sad

She brings so much joy to our lives that I couldn’t imagine my life without her

My daughter use to say there is no love like wiener love and she is so right!

I Love the Holidays

Okay maybe I don’t exactly love them

I do love watching other people get into the spirit

I also love sitting back and watching people go nuts like on black Friday

What I don’t love is scrambling to get everything done

I also hate not having enough time for the things that I want to do

Since my family is a need they come first, wants come second

I was really hoping to post some updates this past weekend and week but…

That didn’t happen, we went out of town instead

I packed up my laptop and everything I would need to work on my blog

As with many things I just ran out of time

I mentioned in a previous post that I am getting ready for a Christmas Craft show

That will be held on December 5th in downtown Imperial, NE

I will post pictures once I have them all

I also will be posting pictures of the fall craft fair that happened in October

I will be adding two new pages to the blog

One will feature artists that I know, this is where you will find my little nieces artwork

The other page I will be adding will be a non crafting page

This is where I will post random things like my buddy Tater

Please hang with me as I get back into my groove

I encourage you to contact me with any questions and/or requests

Have a wonderful Holiday season!!!

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I Love A Great Sale!!!


I am here before the sun has come up to tell you about an Incredible sale

I am not a morning person, I never have been

My body just believes it’s not right to be up this early

But, I wanted to make sure you had the chance to get in on this sale

There are three items that are only on sale today

November 20, 2013

The first on and the whole reason I am up so early to tell you is the

Stampin’ Trimmer # 126889

trimmerThis trimmer is fabulous and it never goes on sale

I believe it is a must have tool for any paper crafter

It is slim enough to go with you

The wing pops out to cut a full 12 x 12 sheet of card stock

Watch this video on it and you will love it too!

Remember it is only on sale today November 20, 2013

Also on the one day sale is the

Simply Scored Diagonal Plate # 125586

Diagonal plate

This plate goes with the Simply Scored Board #122334


Many Marvelous Markers #131264


This is a great way to get the complete set of markers from all four color families

The rest of the sale goes through December 2, 2013

You can see The Entire Sale here

You can also download the entire flyer with a complete list of sale items and the prices here

It is worth noting that along with sale are some exclusive bundles

Be sure to check them out in my store

Here is the link to the Exclusive Bundles

I can’t say whether these bundles will stick around so get the ones you want before December 2, 2013

Also while your looking at deals check out the clearance rack

As always if you have any questions contact me and Happy shopping

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P.S. I will be back later today with more fabulous specials after the sun has been up for a while and I have had my coffee!

I Love my Job!!!

Hey everyone, I am sorry for such a long absence

A lot has been going on since my last post

I have several people going through battles with breast cancer

I had a craft show in October and I am preparing for another one in early December

I helped at the local Kwik Stop until they found a new manager

I realized I didn’t want a full time job, I wanted to focus on my arts and my blog

That is what I love to do and I was getting further and further away from it

I still help fill in around town when people need it

I am also watching my two year old niece while her mommy works

Watching her is a lot of fun and she has already fallen in love with stamping

Over the next few weeks I will be posting current content as well as older content I want available on my blog

Such as MDS Free downloads from weeks past as you can still download them

It is important to me to have complete content and so I will be filling gaps

I will limit posts that go out to my subscribers to two a day so I don’t flood anyone’s email or RSS reader

I have also decided that my blog is a little stuffy so to combat that I am going to try and personalize it more

I will share things that have nothing to do with crafting like my best friend and cuddle buddy Tater

My Tater Marie

She is a nine pound mini dapple dachshund that was rescued from an abusive home

When I got her at eighth months her nose and tail had been broken

She didn’t even know how to play

I will also feature my niece and her artwork as her mommy said it was okay

Please be patient with me while I get my blog updated

As always if you would like to see something specific please don’t hesitate to let me know

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